Thursday, February 20, 2014

Client Spotlight: LifeROOTS Early Intervention Program After Aubree Suffered A Pediatric Stroke, LifeROOTS Helped Her Strike Back.

As a first-time mom, Stephanie Terchila excitedly read everything she could about child development after the birth of daughter Aubree in March, 2011.  So when she had a few concerns about Aubree’s development at four months old, she brought them up to her pediatrician  – never thinking that what would follow would be a barrage of tests, an MRI … and the surprising diagnosis that Aubree had suffered a stroke while in the womb. 
Aubree’s in utero stroke occurred on the left side of her brain, causing limited mobility of her right side, vision problems and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy.  Determined to help Aubree overcome the challenges she’d be faced with, Stephanie and husband Max embarked on a program of important therapies to help in Aubree’s development … and turned to LifeROOTS Early Intervention Program.

Working closely with her LifeROOTS team of physical, occupational and speech therapists, Aubree inspires all of those around her with her hard work, bubbly personality … and her success in reaching developmental milestones.  As she turns three, Aubree is walking, talking more and more every day and enjoying life as a typical, busy – and joyful –little girl. She receives hippo (horseback) therapy and swim therapy every week, and has just joined the LifeROOTS Playgroup --  where she is thrilled to play, learn and socialize with children of all abilities.

For Stephanie (who has just secured a proclamation declaring May as “Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month” in New Mexico) LifeROOTS not only helped Aubree, but offered a critical support system.

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