This job fair is for you!!! Tuesday, November 1st, from 10am to 3pm,
Marriott Pyramid @ 5151 San Francisco Road, NE
at Journal Center, located off Jefferson Street, NE New Mexico is once again holding its job fair for Ticket to Work beneficiaries and all people with disabilities and other barriers to employment
Things you need to know:
- You don’t need to bring your actual Ticket to Work to the fair
- Dress for success – see reverse side for “how to succeed at a job fair”
- Bring plenty of resumes, writing instruments
- Be ready and prepared to be interviewed on the spot
- There will be people to assist you, answer questions
- If you need any special accommodations, call Andrea @ 505-508-5292 or by email @
- Job seekers can enter at either the Jefferson Street or San Francisco Road entrances
- If you need an accessible entrance, use the San Francisco Street entrance
- The #140 bus stops at Jefferson and San Francisco. There’s also the #551 Paseo del Norte Express, with very limited service
- If you choose to take the Rail Runner, your stop is the Los Ranchos/Jefferson stop. There is a shuttle that will take you to Jefferson and San Francisco Streets
- When you arrive at the Job Fair, please stop at the registration desk first before meeting with employers
- JOB SEEKERS TAKE NOTE: at registration, sign up for “5 minute” individual workshops on how best to present yourself to employers
- There are two Social Security benefits planning workshops running concurrently with the Job Fair, one starting at 10am, another at 1pm
- This is your day, your chance to meet face to face with employers who are anxious to hear about your skills, experience and training
- Have fun!
- Dress & Appearance –
- conservative, dark & neutral colors; khaki or black pants or skirt, a no logo collared shirt, dark, clean shoes. Neatness, ironed and clean counts
- minimal jewelry, keep it small. YOU want to be remember, not your accessories
- no perfume or cologne, none
- clean, styled hair, no caps, hats, etc.
- minimal make-up, natural colors & look
- cleaned & trimmed nails, neutral colors, no designs
- when possible, no visible body piercings or tattoos
- stand up straight
- Hand Shake – firm & dry
- Eye Contact – make it, keep it
- Smile
- Practice the above
- Positive & friendly attitude, respect and consideration for EVERYONE
- Have your resumes in a folder to keep them neat, clean and unwrinkled. If you don’t have a folder, ask at the registration table. We will provide you with one.
- Write down what you will say when introducing yourself, say it over and over again, practice, practice, practice
- Practice introducing yourself, name, the job you are interested in, a brief script on your abilities and skills
- Be prepared with answers for standard questions
- Tell me about yourself
- Why do you want to work here
- Why should we hire you
- Be prepared to ask questions
- What types of jobs are you hiring for
- What are the most important skills and experiences needed to perform the job
- Based on my experience/skills, what positions do you think I qualify for
- What is the hiring process and time frame
- Who should I follow up with
- Can I have your card or contact information
- Don’t overstay your welcome
- Keep it brief, there are others waiting to meet with this employer, & you have other employers you need to see
- Shake hand and thank them for their time and interest
- Practice and rehearse the above
- Send thank you letter, card or email
- Before leaving the Job Fair, stop at the registration desk for thank you cards, sample thank you letters and assistance
- Include your skills & experiences and how they fit what the company is looking for
- Mention of something you discussed
- Use spell check & your eyes, proof several times
- Wait patiently for the next step – interview, job offer, etc.
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